Liberated Leaders Brand Identity Design Change can be exciting, challenging, confusing and liberating. Liberated Leaders is an exciting hands on, pragmatic teaching and learning experience designed for leaders willing to…
Brand IDENTItY | BRAND GUIDE - Brisbane, SYDNEY & Melbourne If you’re in the process of, or working with designers to create a brand guide, cyber high fives to you!…
Specialty printing At Juno, we loooooooove the use of special printing techniques... trust us when we say that it can really take your design to the next level if your…
It's that time of year again when you have to sacrifice your own pay check for other people's happiness. Kidding, the team at Juno actually love buying our family and…
To some, the idea of celebrating Christmas too early makes people cringe to the point where in America people have taken to the streets to protest, “Stop Premature Christmas Decorating”…
Hello friends! We're really getting into the Christmas spirit here at Juno, and one of our favourite things about Christmas is giving, so we thought we'd share a little freebie…
Letterheads and business cards are generally quite a formal part of your brands identity, but that doesn’t mean they have to be boring! At Juno we’re all about creativity, and…
With February almost upon us, we can't believe how quickly January has flown by. So in the spirit of the 'month of love' we've rounded up some of our favourite…