Queensland Cotton has now been operating for 100 years (crazy we know) and with that they wanted a bit of a facelift to better reflect who they are today. Currently, we are in the exciting processes of rebranding but before they launch their new look, we wanted to get their socials up and running to start building an online community.
We are so happy with the outcome we just had to share!

4 months ago we created their new social accounts (Instagram and Facebook) and within those 4 months their Instagram has grown to a community with 648 followers – reaching 1,266 users in July! Facebook stats have been just as impressive with 591 page follows and 523 page likes. With July’s reach being a whopping 4,291 users! What’s even more amazing is that these numbers are continuing to increase each month.
This was achieved through consistent and strategic posting 2-3 times a week on both platforms (as well as 2-3 stories each week). We put time and effort into curating an aesthetic and engaging feed, that encouraged followers to interact. We also ensured that there was brand consistency across both platforms, each post and through the tone of voice.
Now that Queensland Cotton has the perfect foundation on social media and the right knowledge, they are confident enough to take over these accounts and internally manage them moving forward.

Get into contact with us today to find out how you can build a great community through elevating your socials with our tailored DIY and social media management packages (click here to find out more).
Give us a call on (07) 3186 0566.
If you have any other creative design projects, we can help!