A Cardboard ‘Pill’ a Day Keeps the Dead Smartphone Batteries Away
Have you ever noticed that the last 1% of your battery seems to last a lot longer than the other 99%?
Since the release of smartphones, every new phone hitting the market claims to come with a better battery life. However we always find ourselves stranded at the worst times and can’t get through the day on a single charge (first world problems).
Tsung Chih-Hsien has brought an amazing solution to the table that’s also eco friendly, biodegradable and is a disposable battery that saves your phone before the dreaded 0%.
Although disposable phone batteries have been around for a while (why didn’t anyone tell us this), the award winning- mini power idea is basically a pill that you can plug directly into your phone for extra battery life. You can get 3 versions- two hours, four hours, and six hours. The pill allows you to tear batteries off a strip when you need them, and return the empty batteries when you buy a new strip.
Happy charging.
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