Here at Juno, we are sticklers for beautiful and innovative packaging.
When it comes to packaging, design matters. Aside from the product itself, the packaging is what is going to capture the attention of your audience (or not!) and ultimately sell your product. So, with that said, there are important considerations to be made when designing packaging for your products such as, where they will be sold, at what angles will they been seen at, what competitor products they will be sold beside and so on. Today we take a look at some amazing packaging designs that have certainly captured our attention for their functionality and beautiful design…
That hand-drawn type on this coffee packaging is definitely handsome. Via youandsaturation.com
Clever use of die-cutting for this puppy treat packaging. Via packageinspiration.com
Beautiful handwritten type gives this bakery’s packaging a home-made feel. Via buzzfeed.com
Clever butter lid doubles as a knife for food on the go. Via theultralinx.com
In awe of the extreme beauty that is these Green Berry tea bags. Via dustbowl.wordpress.com
And speaking of tea… how cool is this packaging for Teapee Teas?! Via buzzfeed.com
These clever Panasonic earbuds – pleasing for the ears and eyes! Via envato.com
So tell us in the comments below, do you often buy a product simply because you like the packaging or are you likely to spend more on a product because of its packaging?
Are you in need of some an awesome packaging design for your product? We’d sure love to sink our teeth into your project, so get in touch!